Just think how that poor guy ended up
who got a new kidney in Boston.
He got his name in all the papers,
but he died just the same.
And what about Laika, the space dog?
They put her in a Sputnik
and sent her into space.
They attached wires to her heart
and brain to see how she felt.
I don't think she felt so good.
She spun around up there for five months
until her doggy bag was empty.
She starved to death.
It's important to have something
like that to compare things to.
Ingemar, open the door now.
Come on.
Ingemar, this is not funny.
Open up now, Ingemar.
He can't be in there.
You know about it, eh?
I'm sorry, but I couldn't tell you.
I just couldn't.
I think about that woman
who went to Ethiopia
to be a missionary.
They beat her to death with clubs
right while she was preaching.
You have to compare all the time.
Little Frog!
I did it.
Let's see.
- Stick out your tongue.
- No. I don't want to.
- Yes, you have to.
- No. I changed my mind.