Ingemar, this is not funny.
Open up now, Ingemar.
He can't be in there.
You know about it, eh?
I'm sorry, but I couldn't tell you.
I just couldn't.
I think about that woman
who went to Ethiopia
to be a missionary.
They beat her to death with clubs
right while she was preaching.
You have to compare all the time.
Little Frog!
I did it.
Let's see.
- Stick out your tongue.
- No. I don't want to.
- Yes, you have to.
- No. I changed my mind.
Yes, out with your tongue.
Mix it!
Good. Now we're married.
She had to marry
a man from the south.
Is it good?
Yeah. Six hundred pages.
Mom read it through in three days.
She sort of reads. She photographs
each page with one glance: ""click''.
And that's it.
I've been reading it for a week
and I'm only on page 30.
Funny, fighting a war
when they're from the same country.
Come on, I'll show you.
It's real easy.