Be on your guard.
Many of them smuggle vodka
across the border.
We are right at the border,
not Bad lschl or Alt-Ausee.
There's so little to do...
the officers
go hunting for chamois.
You get my meaning.
Lt. Ehrlich reporting.
Maneuvers proceeding
according to plan.
Major, Lt. Mészaros
Maneuvers proceeding
as planned.
Throw grenades!
Fire! Throw grenades!
Up! Stop! Go back!
Didn't you instruct your men
in the use of grenades...
unexploded grenades
or those falling short?
Assemble the platoon!
Throw away your cigarette.
Repeat the regulations.
l'm sorry, l don't know
them all.
Not all? ltem one?
ltem two? Three? Five?
Your order, officer?
-A schnapps, please.
-Coming right up, Major.
You get many officers here,
don't you?