l've heard so much
about you.
How do you like
your position?
Thank you, lmperial Highness.
l have a lot to do.
And l like to work.
Do you enjoy the power
in your hands?
Just for a moment?
What l feel rather
is the weight of my task.
They say your loyalty
is unshakeable...
and based on gratitude.
You want to serve and
prove yourself, am l right?
l am deeply honored,
if they say that about me.
You're a good
toll-collector, then.
You won't side with those
who've gained eminence...
by their noble blood.
Are you Catholic?
We understand each other.
People say things
about me, too.
l've read your reports.
You write very well.
Or rather, convincingly.
You like to work hard...
like in Galacia, where
you proved your ability.
We'll see whether you are
just as talented here.
We have to focus on the
interests of our Manarchy.
World becomes dangerous.
Army morale is shaky.
The lmperial Army has begun
to resemble a casino...
playing pool, drinking
and chasing women, right?
Yes, unfortunately.
The spirit of liberalism
undermines everything.
Please, sit down.
ln such a situation...