Doctor, this is my wife.
This is the doctor,
a great man.
Evgeni Alexandrovich Liakhov.
Your wife's lovely.
So what's wrong with me?
Glad to meet you.
Welcome to Wetland.
You're Russian?
Yes, but I always say I'm a native of Zvornik.
See? I'm a Yugoslav.
I was just asking.
My mother, rest her soul,
Iike all Russian emigres,
used to say,
"Ubi bene, ibi patria."
Isn't it so?
You two ride inside.
I'll stay with the children.
Ride with your wife.
She's so scared.
That's why a doctor should be with her.
Come on. Hurry up.
We'll capsize, Dad.
No, we won't.
The Drina's calm.