He ain't just saying, "Take my offer. "
He's saying, "Take it or else. "
We're family men.
We're no match for seven guns.
Yeah, but how many of us are there?
I heard the preacher.
I know these men are professionals.
But it's still twenty against seven, ain't it?
And we know how to pull
a damn trigger, don't we?
If it comes down to it,
I'll fight before I'll quit my claim...
...but, damn it, LaHood's offer's fair.
I still vote we take his money
and we start afresh elsewhere.
Starting fresh sounds good
when you're in trouble...
...but before we vote to pack up
and leave...
...I think we should ask why we're here.
If it's no more than money,
then we're no better than LaHood himself.
Spider here asked a question.
If any of us turned up $1,000 worth
of nuggets, would he quit? Hell, no!
He'd build his family a better house...
...and buy his kids better clothes...
...maybe build a school...
...or a church.
If we were farmers, we'd be planting crops.
If we raised cattle, we'd tend them.
But we're miners...
...so we dig and pan...
...and break our backs for gold.
But gold ain't what we're about.
It ain't what I'm about.
I came out here to raise a family.
This is my home.
This is my dream. I've sunk roots here.
And we all have buried members
of our families in this ground.
And this is their dream, too,
and they died for it.
Now we're going to take $1,000
and leave their graves untended?
We owe them more than that.
We owe ourselves more.
If we sell out now...