Pale Rider

He'd build his family a better house...
...and buy his kids better clothes...
...maybe build a school...
...or a church.
If we were farmers, we'd be planting crops.
If we raised cattle, we'd tend them.
But we're miners...

:50:18 we dig and pan...
...and break our backs for gold.
But gold ain't what we're about.
It ain't what I'm about.

I came out here to raise a family.
This is my home.

This is my dream. I've sunk roots here.
And we all have buried members
of our families in this ground.

And this is their dream, too,
and they died for it.

Now we're going to take $1,000
and leave their graves untended?

We owe them more than that.
We owe ourselves more.
If we sell out now...
...what price do we put
on our dignity next time?

Or just the best offer?
I say to hell with LaHood!
I ain't a brave man,
but I ain't no coward neither.

We took our chances this far.
I vote we keep it up.
To hell with LaHood!
Let them come!
We're ready!
