- She called in the cops.
- The cops?
That's right, fella.
Know what they found
in the motor? Syrup!
It was one big waffle.
Someone's practical joke misfired.
A cop's come to investigate.
- Quick, they'll go hard!
- What?
The eggs!
Get them off there fast!
I've had 2 every morning,
with my coffee,
since I was 8.
Can you believe it?
I had my 30,000th egg last month!
Wow! So a large coffee...
Yes. Got any paprika?
That red stuff.
These are good with paprika.
Live and learn.
I'm a cop.
So I saw.
I keep a hen at home.
You laugh, the cop's coop!
Yeah, it's funny.
They're good.
Did you know Filiol?
The butcher? Sure.
He'd come in once in a while.
He have any enemies?
Not me, anyway.
Got any ideas about his death?
Not really.
Maybe it was meant as a gag...
Was there a broad involved?
A broad?
Filiol? You kidding?
I didn't know him.
I'm just asking.
- We've a 2nd crash, at the Cambuse.
- Again!
Road's closed.
I'll have a small one.
The usual, Claude.
What's the Cambuse?
A gulch,
just as you come out of a curve.