And the Great Lord...
is he dead?
Don't joke.
I'm not joking!
I retain my title and my status.
Have you forgotten?
No, of course not.
It's you who forget...
you gave full authority to me.
What do you want?
I gave you this castle...
I moved out,
reduced my escort...
They may be few in number...
but they're boisterous enough.
What is that song?
With such goings-on...
how can I make myself obeyed?
They are warriors,
unschooled in manners.
They like comic songs.
Comic songs can go too far!
That song makes fun of me!
My guard was defending
my honour.
Yet you went ahead
and killed him.
I cannot allow that.
This once, I'll overlook it.
But I must have your promise...
that it won't happen again.
You will sign this...
and seal it with your blood.