They are warriors,
unschooled in manners.
They like comic songs.
Comic songs can go too far!
That song makes fun of me!
My guard was defending
my honour.
Yet you went ahead
and killed him.
I cannot allow that.
This once, I'll overlook it.
But I must have your promise...
that it won't happen again.
You will sign this...
and seal it with your blood.
This is nonsense!
Read it.
"I cede to Taro Takatora
the domains of lchimonji."
"I make him sole ruler
of the house of lchimonji."
"Though I am Taro's father..."
"I shall submit
to his authority..."
"and act accordingly."
"I swear by all the deities."
"May they punish me
if I disobey."
I'm to seal this with my blood?
This silly thing?
Everything it contains...
was proclaimed by you
before witnesses.