Then l'll learn it by myself.
Don't make me angry, Kalidor.
L don't need any man's help.
Don't shake it, fool. Hold it steady!
Can you do nothing right?
Still, you great idiot.
L'm trying, Your Highness.
Clumsy oaf. Stupid, dumb,
useless, selfish beast!
Quickly, come. Come to me.
Don't give me orders, slave.
L'll have you hung by the heels.
Anyway, it's too slippery.
Do you want me to fall
in that boiling mud? You numskull.
L'll try to swing it around. Now.
- Hold still, boy.
- Boy?
Steady, Your Majesty. Steady.
Jump off. Jump.
What about me?
Get back here and stop playing the fool.
L hear and obey, master of the world.
L'm coming.