I don't get this play at all.
Why do they love each other?
Why does she love him?
You mustn't all these questions.
They're beside the point.
Why do they love each other?
Why do people love each other?
Because they're enemies.
You're too sentimental.
You've got to act love as if it were hate.
I'll pick it up after the kiss,
when she says, "Then have my lips
the sin that they have took."
You can't spend all Sunday on it.
It's after 6:00.
But I've got to work on it!
I'm fed up.
You gave me this part.
I need time.
It's your responsibility.
It was just the birds
knocking against their cage.
You're spending your life in here.
That's not good.
You ought to go out,
have fun, make love.
With whom?
I don't know.
You said you lived with someone.
Make love with Paulot?
He's sweet, but that's not enough.
Have you ever loved anyone?
You love him because you've lost him.
Have you ever loved anyone?
My daughter.
And I lost her.
It was my own fault.
Your fault?
She was Juliet.
I've lost her,
and there's nothing I can do.