Don't leave any marks
Stay out of sight
I know. Usually it doesn't last
2 days for me
Usually, I'm all alone
like a wandering Jew
I threw away the key
It's high time
You know she wants to eat
at 12:30 sharp
You slept all morning
I'm sick of being cooped up here
That 3-day trip will be a relief
Find a job where
I'll have more room
Old folks pay well
Find another old person
She's a drag
but lots of them
are even dirtier and sicker
-The lady's a golden deal!
-Not for me
You spend my pay
You're a pain and you're gross
-Paulo! Why aren't you nice to me?
-Here we go again
I know a couple so gentle.
They're always together:
they eat, smoke, sleep together,
they listen to music
-Who are they?
-You don't know them
But you do?