Sans toit ni loi

I threw away the key
It's high time
You know she wants to eat
at 12:30 sharp

You slept all morning
I'm sick of being cooped up here
That 3-day trip will be a relief
Find a job where
I'll have more room

Old folks pay well
Find another old person
She's a drag
but lots of them
are even dirtier and sicker

-The lady's a golden deal!
-Not for me

You spend my pay
You're a pain and you're gross
-Paulo! Why aren't you nice to me?
-Here we go again

I know a couple so gentle.
They're always together:

they eat, smoke, sleep together,
they listen to music

-Who are they?
-You don't know them

But you do?
I'm not going to rot here.
I'm warning you

The woodwork's very pretty,
but it collects dust

So be sure to dust them well
Be careful of my little cup.
I'm very fond of it

My godmother gave it to me
for my first communion
