Spies Like Us

that was a static-filled,
microwave transmission

between 2 soldiers
talking in mandarin chinese.

they were only using
a simple polyphonetically
grouped 20-digit key

in boustrophendonic form

with multiple nulls.
I broke it with this.
a drogan's
decoder wheel?

they put these into
cereal boxes for kids.

yeah, I found it in
a box of lucky charms.

break it down again
with the machines!

I already did.
well, then...
clean up the desk!

that's much better.
by the way, good luck
on the test tomorrow.

what test?
the foreign service
board exams. good luck.

foreign service
boards tomorrow?

I can't take it.
I haven't studied.
I'm not prepared.

you were bumped up
on the list.

you're scheduled
for tomorrow morning.

I'm sure I told you.
this is dated
2 weeks ago.

you planned this.
you want me
to fail that test

so you can keep me in
the center of the earth

doing your work for you.
you just watch
your mouth, mister.

this department's laying off
civilians left and right.

where are you going?
home. to study.
one night studying
for a grade-19 FSB exam?

good luck.
listen, captain, I'm
going to pass that exam,

and I'm going to get
out of this hole

and do some really important
work for national security.

yeah, sure.
I was going to do
your family a favor

and hook up
the Disney channel for free.

well, forget it.
ladies and gentlemen,
as of this afternoon,

the undersecretary
for south American affairs

emphatically denies
any and all intervention
