you're scheduled
for tomorrow morning.
I'm sure I told you.
this is dated
2 weeks ago.
you planned this.
you want me
to fail that test
so you can keep me in
the center of the earth
doing your work for you.
you just watch
your mouth, mister.
this department's laying off
civilians left and right.
where are you going?
home. to study.
one night studying
for a grade-19 FSB exam?
good luck.
listen, captain, I'm
going to pass that exam,
and I'm going to get
out of this hole
and do some really important
work for national security.
yeah, sure.
I was going to do
your family a favor
and hook up
the Disney channel for free.
well, forget it.
ladies and gentlemen,
as of this afternoon,
the undersecretary
for south American affairs
emphatically denies
any and all intervention
in the current realignment
of top positions
in the paraguayan air force.
thank you very much.
what about
the army's request
for spraying
are there
any Paraguayans here?
their request for subsidies
was not Paraguayan,
as it were.
the United States would never--
if the president--
that's how it will always be.
is that clear?
how can you say
we aren't spending
millions on spraying
when the international
wheat board reported
"extensive contamination
in the grain fields
of southern Argentina"?
the state de... eber...
uh... the state...
cutting out on us.
I'm sorry.
the qu... wo... si...
...unch date,
so I must go.
these examinations
are qualifiers for positions
in the intelligence sections
of our embassies overseas.