Spies Like Us

in the current realignment
of top positions

in the paraguayan air force.
thank you very much.

what about
the army's request

for spraying

are there
any Paraguayans here?

their request for subsidies
was not Paraguayan,

as it were.
the United States would never--
if the president--

that's how it will always be.
is that clear?

how can you say
we aren't spending
millions on spraying

when the international
wheat board reported

"extensive contamination
in the grain fields
of southern Argentina"?

the state de... eber...
uh... the state...

cutting out on us.
I'm sorry.

the qu... wo... si...

...unch date,
so I must go.

these examinations
are qualifiers for positions

in the intelligence sections
of our embassies overseas.

the nature of your postings
will be secret.

now, secret work
can be very risky.

I cite what happened to one
of our greatest Americans--

not yet!
excuse me.

I'm sorry.
my fault.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I had to attend
the reading of a will.

I had to stay
till the very end.

I found out
I received nothing.

broke my arm.
would you hold my wallet
while I take the test?

there's $1,000 in there...
or maybe there isn't.
know what I mean?
are you saying
I can take this money

if I help you pass?
what doyouthink?
