my pleasure
now you are going to get it
I say it's time to eh... pull the rug up from under them
my name is Adam
mine's Bow
Good to meet You Adam
I don't mean to be an alarmist bell
but, when the horde finds out about this
they sure send a fore squad after us
you're right you better come with us Adam
they'll be after you too
where are we going?
Whispering Woods of course!
from now on my friend
you are part of the Great Rebelion
mighty Hordac, I bring you bad news from the kingdom of Brightmoon
Three of our troopers were humiliated
in the village of Faithmore
by two man who claimed to be rebels
concern Hordac...
what do You mean Shadow Weaver?
my dark magic
that a stranger from another world has come to Etheria
and it brings with him
the seed of a great trouble for the Horde
Where is this stranger?
he was in the kingdom of Brightmoon
but my spells can no longer find him
- Brightmoon!, Hordac
could he be the responsable of the defeat of our troopers?