The Secret of the Sword

mighty Hordac, I bring you bad news from the kingdom of Brightmoon
Three of our troopers were humiliated
in the village of Faithmore
by two man who claimed to be rebels

concern Hordac...
what do You mean Shadow Weaver?
my dark magic
that a stranger from another world has come to Etheria

and it brings with him
the seed of a great trouble for the Horde

Where is this stranger?
he was in the kingdom of Brightmoon
but my spells can no longer find him
- Brightmoon!, Hordac
could he be the responsable of the defeat of our troopers?

um, you maybe right Cathra
send force captain Adora to me at once
I have a plan which would bring this stranger into the open
and then we will teach him it's not nice to cause trouble for the evil Horde
we should be there at any minute
thank goodness
I'm pumped

halt, in the name of great rebelion!
where do you go?
Spreag You Nili, it's us!
oh, Cawl, sorry
i thought you might be horseman
