with Band-Aids on their knees
from playing the cello. No, thank you.
I'm really gonna miss you.
We're college men now.
Dear Lance, the campus here is beautiful.
I've never seen so much corduroy
in one place.
Classes are classes.
One of them even looks like
it might be interesting.
You never know.
You're wrong about the women here.
I haven't seen one Band-Aid.
In fact, there's plenty of action.
My roommate and I have an understanding.
Hope things are going as good for you.
Your pal, Gib.
P.S. All of the above is bullshit.
I'm floundering in a sea of confusion
and total despair.
But, knock on wood, I still have my health.
This week's assignment
is to rewrite last week's assignment.
Remember, "As the dog returneth
to his own vomit...
"so does the fool to his folly."
Sorry I'm late,
but there was this big problem...
and I'm late because of it.
Katherine, when I told you
that you should develop your own style...
I didn't mean that you should dot the i's
with little flowers.
And this lavender ink....
Would you lose that?
It strains the eye.
You sure take a lot of notes.
Miss Duran, this is very interesting.
Ordinarily, the conclusion comes
in the end of the paper, but....
-I like that.
-Thank you.
Go on.
-Mr. Gibson?
-Yes, what?
I know what an important part
voyeurism plays in your daily life...