Year of the Dragon

What do you see?
You see the bosses.

You see the politicians.
You see the bankers.

You see the Irish workmen.
There's not one single, solitary Chinaman.

They weren't even asked to show up.
They died anonymous.

You goddamn people,
you keep everything a secret.

- I know the story, Captain.
- Well, most people don't.

No one remembers in this country.
- No one remembers anything.
- You sound just like my father.

He sounds like a great guy.
What does he do?

He's in shipping. Now, what's your story?
Me? What's there to say?
I'm Polish. I'm from Brooklyn. I'm a cop.
But I happen to be the most decorated
cop in the City of New York.

I'm talking action decorated,
no desk citations here.

- I'm sure about that.
- I saw you a few times on the tube.

I don't watch much television,
but I think you're pretty good.

You're sexier than the broads
on the other channels.

Ah, well, Captain.
Very pleased you've come.

- Hello.
- Uncle Yung, you know Tracy Tzu?

Oh, yes. Very pleased you've come.
This is my wife Su Shin.

Captain, do you like Chinese
champagne? This is very good.

This is on the house.
Thanks, Harry, but no thanks.
I pay my own way.

- Fish stinks from the head, does it not?
- The Chinese eat the head, Captain.

Let's go.
It looks like champagne...
- I think you upset him.
- I certainly hope so.

I've been waiting
for over a year

Look at it this way.
Harry Yung, he's the head of
the richest tong in Chinatown.

He's gotta be involved
in the Chinese Mafia.

Even if he isn't doin' anything,
he's gotta be doin' something.
