Year of the Dragon

- Hello.
- Uncle Yung, you know Tracy Tzu?

Oh, yes. Very pleased you've come.
This is my wife Su Shin.

Captain, do you like Chinese
champagne? This is very good.

This is on the house.
Thanks, Harry, but no thanks.
I pay my own way.

- Fish stinks from the head, does it not?
- The Chinese eat the head, Captain.

Let's go.
It looks like champagne...
- I think you upset him.
- I certainly hope so.

I've been waiting
for over a year

Look at it this way.
Harry Yung, he's the head of
the richest tong in Chinatown.

He's gotta be involved
in the Chinese Mafia.

Even if he isn't doin' anything,
he's gotta be doin' something.

And if I can nail the son of a bitch,
and he's got face, I get face.

And if I get face, I can
win the war in Chinatown.

Captain, why did you call me?
What do you want?

I'll tell you what I want.
I want the rice to boil over in Chinatown.
I wanna change things.
Why? Is Chinatown so bad the way it is?
It stinks. The Harry Yungs
got this place locked up like a jail.

You got a slave population of sweatshop
women working for 12 cents a piece.

You got shopkeepers paying bribes
to every punk that comes along.

You got 30 people livin' in a room.
You got the highest rate of TB and
mental illness in any city neighbourhood.

- You got a male population...
- Look, I'm a reporter.

I am "not" a crusader.
You're an actress. I can help you.
