-Ten thousand.
-Ten thousand.
Five thousand wouId be your haIf.
ActuaIIy, to be fair...
...we shouId give you back
your $400, then spIit.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
How do we get $1 0,000?
-Sorry Sue.
-Who the heII is Sorry Sue?
-The horse I was teIIing you--
-A horse?
-She's running in the third.
-No. No.
There is no way I'm gonna give you
my Iife savings to bet on a horse.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to our 33rd day of racing.
Our feature race of this afternoon...
... will be the 4 1 st running
of the $50, 000-added...
...Santa Clarita handicap
for fillies and mares.
Your attention, please.
Here are the changes
in this afternoon's racing card.
In the first race....
What if he don't show up?
You keep asking
the dumbest questions.
Why don't you try answering
your dumb questions once in a whiIe.
What if he don't show up?
-That is the dumb question.
-What's the dumb answer?
WeII, if he don't show up...
...I guess we can't grab him.
You see? You don't have to ask.
-I got it right?
And if you think a IittIe bit, you'II come
up with aII the right dumb answers.
But if he don't show up--
-I got a hunch he wiII.
-But if he don't...
...you think he'II teII somebody
about us doping the horse?
-A IittIe Iouder and he won't have to.
-I think maybe.
-Do me a favour....
-Oh, Binky--
-Quit thinking for a whiIe.
I'm IiabIe to Iose my temper
and tear your tongue out by the roots.
If I promise not to think,
can I say something?
-I think I seen him.