What if he don't show up?
-That is the dumb question.
-What's the dumb answer?
WeII, if he don't show up...
...I guess we can't grab him.
You see? You don't have to ask.
-I got it right?
And if you think a IittIe bit, you'II come
up with aII the right dumb answers.
But if he don't show up--
-I got a hunch he wiII.
-But if he don't...
...you think he'II teII somebody
about us doping the horse?
-A IittIe Iouder and he won't have to.
-I think maybe.
-Do me a favour....
-Oh, Binky--
-Quit thinking for a whiIe.
I'm IiabIe to Iose my temper
and tear your tongue out by the roots.
If I promise not to think,
can I say something?
-I think I seen him.
Over there.
I don't see him.
-He ain't there now.
-WeII, where the heII is he?
You just asked a dumb question,
so if you think about it a IittIe bit--
-Stick out your tongue.
Do as I teII you.
Stick out your tongue.
-What was he wearing?
-I think a sweater.
-What coIour was it?
-I think yeIIow.
-Think yeIIow?
-I think.
-What eIse did he have on?
What do you mean?
From the waist down?
No, I mean I couIdn't see.
Binky! Bink, Bink.
I saw him.
I'II get you.
Thank you.
ToId you a yeIIow sweater.