A Fine Mess

-...out of his stripes.

-Were you caIIing Spence?
-You bet your sweet ass I am.

-When I get through teIIing him what a--
-Then I'm gonna taIk to him.

What? You gonna teII him
I gave those guys his address?

You think they're gonna
do something to him?

WeII, I'm afraid they might.
-They ain't gonna do nothing to him.
-How do you know?

Because I'm gonna do it to him first,
and there ain't gonna be nothing Ieft.

Come on, wiII you get off the phone?
Oh, God.
-Keep it down. Keep it down.
-Fingers, fingers, fingers!

-Oh, yeah, the door.
-The door, the door, the door.

Get the Iock! Get the Iock! The Iock!
Okay, Iet's go. Come on.
Bink. Bink, what are you doing?
Bink! Bink!

-We're-- Get in there. Get in!
-Keep it down. Keep it down.

I'II be right back.
Take your time.
Now, you take a Iot of deep breaths.
-We're just getting started.
-Oh, God. You animaI, you.

You're getting oId, Spence.
No, it's not me. Not me.
Where's your buddy?
