-Keep it down. Keep it down.
-Fingers, fingers, fingers!
-Oh, yeah, the door.
-The door, the door, the door.
Get the Iock! Get the Iock! The Iock!
Okay, Iet's go. Come on.
Bink. Bink, what are you doing?
Bink! Bink!
-We're-- Get in there. Get in!
-Keep it down. Keep it down.
I'II be right back.
Take your time.
Now, you take a Iot of deep breaths.
-We're just getting started.
-Oh, God. You animaI, you.
You're getting oId, Spence.
No, it's not me. Not me.
Where's your buddy?
Come back here! Come back here!
Wait, wait, CIaudia.
CIaudia! CIaudia!
Maybe it just started by itseIf.
-What are you doing?
-TeIegram for Mr. PoweII.