Come back here! Come back here!
Wait, wait, CIaudia.
CIaudia! CIaudia!
Maybe it just started by itseIf.
-What are you doing?
-TeIegram for Mr. PoweII.
Giving him a chance to get away.
-God! Dennis!
-My nose, man.
-Spence. Shit.
-It's aII right. It's aII right.
-My God. My nose.
-What are you doing hiding in here?
-Those two guys found me.
-They were gonna shoot me.
-Why didn't they?
I don't know. Oh, God.
WeII, they took one Iook at CIaudia,
and they ran. Are you Irene?
-Who's CIaudia?
Pazzo. We were discussing the piano.
EIIen thinks she knows her.
-You do? How come?
-I don't know.
When she came to Ishimine's,
she thought she recognized her.
-But I can't remember from where.
-She thinks she's notorious.
I'm gonna ask Mr. Ishimine
if he knows her.
WeII, whoever she is,
she sure as heII saved my Iife.
Is it swoIIen?
CarefuI, man. Jeez,
why did you have to hit my nose?
-What are we gonna do?
-I don't know.
We can't teII him, can we?
-But if we don't, and he finds out--
-But if we do, what about her?