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before it closes up.
See you later.

Look at this.
This is worse than the track.

You want me to move
some people for you?

No, don't push anybody around.
This is college.
Let me think for a minute.

What are you gonna do?
Come on. I got an idea.
Did you get
everything you want?

I got the Latin
and the Sanskrit...

but then they canceled
my Ancient Greek.

Just blew my whole
dead languages motif.

What are you looking at?
You OK?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm just upset
because they closed botany.

Those bastards!
Well, I'm not that upset.
At least, I won't be
if I get into astronomy.

You want to cut
into line with us?

'Cause we're already waiting.
Yes. Yeah, I would.
Great. All right.
Oh, this is Derek.
I'm Valerie Desmond.
Yeah, I know.
- I'm Jason Melon.
- Hi.

- Hey, Valerie.
- Hi.

God, you look great.
Thanks. Are you taking
astronomy, too?

Yeah, I guess so.
I don't really want to.
I'm a business major.

But for some reason,
they want us to take a science.

You mind if I sneak
in the line with you?

Actually, these guys were
nice enough to let me in...

so it's really
up to them, I guess.

Melon, buddy?
Whaddaya say? Let me in, OK?
I don't think so, Osbourne.
Melon, your friend...
straighten him out.

Look, Chas,
there's a lot of people waiting.

It wouldn't really be fair.
