'Cause we're already waiting.
Yes. Yeah, I would.
Great. All right.
Oh, this is Derek.
I'm Valerie Desmond.
Yeah, I know.
- I'm Jason Melon.
- Hi.
- Hey, Valerie.
- Hi.
God, you look great.
Thanks. Are you taking
astronomy, too?
Yeah, I guess so.
I don't really want to.
I'm a business major.
But for some reason,
they want us to take a science.
You mind if I sneak
in the line with you?
Actually, these guys were
nice enough to let me in...
so it's really
up to them, I guess.
Melon, buddy?
Whaddaya say? Let me in, OK?
I don't think so, Osbourne.
Melon, your friend...
straighten him out.
Look, Chas,
there's a lot of people waiting.
It wouldn't really be fair.
I'll tell you what.
Maybe if you got a note
from each of these people...
saying that it was all right,
then we'd reconsider...
but until that day,
take a hike...
you elitist fraternity scumbag.
I won't forget this, Melon.
I'll see you at the pool.
- Bye, Val.
- Bye.
Thank you. I'm dead.
You're not gonna believe this!
- You're kidding!
- I'm not kidding! Just go!
He's out there!
Bruce! Bruce! Bruce! Bruce!
Where is he?
I don't know, kid.
All I know is I'm supposed
to pick him up here.
- When?
- Now.
Come on, let's register.