What's she doing now?
Strange girl.
That building there. The White Tiger.
God, it's creepy. Do we have to go in?
Because l will, ifwe have to.
I'll go anywhere or do anything
to get my story. It's my big break.
Just sit tight. We've got one of our best men
inside right now, stirring the pot.
How do you do, ma'am? Henry Swanson's
my name and excitement's my game.
- Cash or charge?
- Gosh! Cash, l guess.
I mean, it's not deductible, is it?
Mrs O'Toole will take care ofyour needs.
Boy, l wish these were in colour.
Because what l really am
in the mood for is a girl with green eyes.
And price is no object, Mrs O'Toole.
Fresh offthe boat's the way l like 'em.
The more exotic the better.
Chinese girls do not come with green eyes.
- Too long. Let's go in.
- It's only been ten minutes.
Give the guy a chance.
- So how long you been in the US ofA?
- Three months.
- Where from?
- Hong Kong.
What happens? You stay here a while?
Old girls leave, new girls come in?
Maybe. Take your tie off, please.
Yeah, l know what you mean.
My wife gave it to me for Christmas.
Holy shit!