Big Trouble in Little China
Whatl'dlike to do todayisgetyour version ofwhathappened.
- You mean the truth?- Of course.
First, just state your name andyour occupation for the record.
Egg Shen, bus driver.
Bus driver.What kind of bus and where, please?
Tour bus. Bus for tourists.San Francisco Chinatown.
Thank you.Now, before we get to the meat ofthis thing,
do you at the present timehave any knowledge
ofthe whereabouts ofa Mr Jack Burton or his truck?
- Oh, God. Will you leave him alone?- Mr Shen, please.
You could be in a great deal oftrouble. Halfa city block explodes in a ball of green flame.
Green flame! All hell is breaking loose here.
And there are peoplewho say you're involved,
that you might be responsible,that you're a very dangerous man.
- Now, ifyou're protecting Jack Burton...- You leave Jack Burton alone!
We are in his debt. He showed great courage.
But if l'm gonna be your attorney,there are a few things l have to know
that still don't make any sense to me.
do you really believe in magic?
You mean Chinese black magic?
- Yes.- Absolutely.
Are you still serious about this? Andmonsters and ghosts as well, l suppose?
Sure. And sorcery.
And l suppose that you expect meto believe in sorcery as well?
- Of course.- Why?