- Are you OK, Jack?
- Yeah.
We're in a room.
No windows, a few skeletons.
- Where's the light coming from?
- The floor.
With the easing oftrade restrictions,
next year we'll start importing
a lot of strange things from Peking.
What sort of strange things?
Are we going up or down?
It feels like down.
Great. Thank you, Jack.
I think we've come up. First we went down.
Now they've brought us up.
Two, three feet thick, l'll bet. Probably
welded shut and covered with brick by now.
- Don't give up, Jack.
- OK. Let's just chew our way outta here!
Lo Pan has plans for us,
or we'd be dead doornails.
Which Lo Pan? Little old basket case
on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?
- One and the same person, Jack.
- You know something you're not tellin' me.
Myths and legends.
- I don't wanna insult you.
- No, no. Go ahead.
Insult me.
It's about all sorts of scary things:
an ancient army ofthe dead,