Big Trouble in Little China

You are not looking for a truck. You're
looking for a girl. A girl with green eyes.

- Yes.
- She must be something extraordinary.

Or l'm not about to waste another 2,000 years.
There can't be many Chinese girls
with green eyes these days.

- There are not. Never were.
- So beggars can't be choosers.

But l can!
Tell me about Miao Yin.
What province is she from? Hunan?
Her mother? Her father?
He must be a holy man. I must know.

You got a tongue, Dave. Ask her yourself.
Mr Burton, ifyou have an influence over
your youthful friend, you better exert it now.

Otherwise l will send both ofyou to
the hell where people are skinned alive.

It's that simple. Understand?
- Are you crazy? ls that your problem?
- No, he means it, Jack.

My problem is this place.
This place is my tomb. I'm buried here.

A young man, a king, a warrior,
is entombed in this old man's crippled body.

And all l need is a woman, Mr Burton,
a special kind ofwoman
with dragon-green eyes,

to make me whole and young again, so that l
may rule the universe from beyond the grave.

- Ch'ing-ti. The God ofthe East.
- Who, him? This guy?

No, not me, Mr Burton.
My demon. The god l must appease
in order to regain my heart, my blood.

A girl with green eyes to satisfy Ch'ing-ti,
a girl brave enough
to embrace the naked blade.

- When l find her, l will marry her.
- Never!

Ch'ing-ti will be happy and my curse lifted.
You can rule the universe
from beyond the grave.

- Indeed!
- Or check into a psycho ward.

Whichever comes first.
What, l'm supposed to buy this shit? 2,000
years and he can't find a broad to fit the bill?

Come on, Dave, you must be doin'
somethin' seriously wrong.

There have been others, to be sure.
There are always others, are there not?
