Because it's real.
How can l know that, Mr Shen?
- How?
- Yes, how? Help me out here.
See? That was nothing.
But that's how it always begins.
Very small.
This is Jack Burton at the Pork-Chop Express
andl'm talkin' to whoever's listenin'.
It's like l told my last wife.
I says "Honey,
l never drive faster than l can see."
"Besides that, it's all in the reflexes."
You just listen to the Pork-Chop Express and
take his advice on a dark and stormy night.
When some wild-eyed maniac
grabs your neck,
taps the back ofyour head
up against a barroom wall,
he looks you crooked in the eye
and asks you ifyou've paid your dues,
you just stare that big sucker back in the eye
and remember what Jack Burton always says.
"Have you paid your dues, Jack?"
"Yes, sir, the cheque is in the mail."
Well, you see, l'm not sayin' that l've been
everywhere and l've done everything.
But l do know it's a pretty
amazing planet we live on here,
and a man would have to be some kinda fool
to think we're all alone in this universe.