I was chief surgeon
at the National Hospital...
when I began
practicing euthanasia.
As a doctor, I was able to end
their pain by mercy-killing.
Then, in 1971...
a very strange thing happened.
I began reading
my father's diaries...
and was shocked to learn
that euthanasia...
was the same word
he used as an excuse...
to kill Jewish people.
Thank God
I have a sense of humor.
It makes life much easier
if you can laugh.
We don't have to love forever
Just tonight
We don't have to say
sweet whispers
Just tonight
We don't have to be true lovers
Just kiss me tonight
We don't have
to hold each other
Just tonight
We don't have to say
"I love you"
Just for tonight,
lovers tonight
Hold me tonight
Make me believe
You need me tonight