- Navigator,,,
- I am not a navigator!
Yes, you are,
I crashed into electrical towers
and my star charts were erased,
I need the ones in your head
to complete my mission,
So you need me and my inferior brain
to fly that thing?
Correction, I need the superior information
in your inferior brain to fly this thing,
Well, if I'm so inferior, how come
you took eight years to bring me back?
Normally, I take my specimens
back in time
to the exact moment
and place I collected them,
Come on!
You took me away from my family!
And when you returned me,
it was eight years later!
Everything's changed, except me!
Unfortunately, we discovered
it was too dangerous
for your fragile human body
to travel back in time,
OK, if I can't go back in time,
at least take me back to my family,
Come aboard quickly, Navigator,
Not until you promise to take me home!
We've spotted 'em,
The boy's outside the ship,
(Faraday) Can you keep them
on the ground?
Very well, You give me the star chart
and I'll take you home,
Come on, Let's get outta here,
- He's gone back into the ship,
- (Faraday) Don't let them take off!
- Request instructions,
- I don't know,
- Just,,, just get us out of here!
- Compliance,
My God, it changed shape,
Can you follow it?
Follow it? I can't even see it,
- Hey, this is fun,
- Fun, Navigator?
- My name's David,
- David?
Yeah, So what do I call you, anyway?
- I am a trimaxion drone ship from,,,
- Trimaxion?