We've spotted 'em,
The boy's outside the ship,
(Faraday) Can you keep them
on the ground?
Very well, You give me the star chart
and I'll take you home,
Come on, Let's get outta here,
- He's gone back into the ship,
- (Faraday) Don't let them take off!
- Request instructions,
- I don't know,
- Just,,, just get us out of here!
- Compliance,
My God, it changed shape,
Can you follow it?
Follow it? I can't even see it,
- Hey, this is fun,
- Fun, Navigator?
- My name's David,
- David?
Yeah, So what do I call you, anyway?
- I am a trimaxion drone ship from,,,
- Trimaxion?
- Affirmative,
- OK, I'll call you Max, It's easier,
- Max?
- Right,
Just take me somewhere
where they can't find us,
What are you doing?
I didn't say take us under the ocean,
All I asked for was a place
they couldn't find us,
This was the first place
suggested by my data banks,
- Will this thing leak?
- Navigator, I do not leak,
You leak, Remember?
I must program my circuitry
for the mind transfer,
- (creatures make noise)
- Wow! What are these?