Flight of the Navigator

I wish I could take you home with me,
Jeff would really flip out,

Listen, He's laughing,
What is the purpose of laughing?
The purpose?
I guess it makes you feel happy,

You should try it,
Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha,,,
Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha!
- Nothing, No sign of them at all,
- That's wonderful,

I just lost two of the most important
discoveries of the 20th century,

- What else could possibly go wrong?
- Sir, it's the kid's father,

Dr, Faraday, how's David?
Well, uh, actually, Bill, it's been
kind of a rough day for all of us here,

Well, is he there now? Can I talk to him?
Uh, well, he just seemed to want to have
some time to himself, Know what I mean?

Well, just tell him to call me
as soon as possible, Will you do that?

Sure, I will be glad to have him
call you as soon as I see him, OK?

OK, Bye-bye, Bill,
Who was the last person to see David?
- Carolyn McAdams, An intern on the base,
- Get her, I wanna talk to her right away,

- Her shift ended about an hour ago,
- Just find her!

Gotta keep a lid on this somehow,
I am ready to perform the mind transfer,
Sit here, Navigator,

- Will this hurt?
- You will feel nothing,

- Will I remember everything?
- You will retain all data,

How many times
have you done this thing?

- Zero,
- Zero? You mean never?

I'm not gonna let you try this out on me,
What if you fry my brain?

- I will not fry your brain,
- How do you know?

I have been programmed
with superior intelligence,

- Lie down,
- OK,
