- Are they around us now?
- You bet.
Only we can't see them
without the resonator.
And they can't see us,
unless they're under the
influence of the vibrations.
That's why I had to destroy it!
Destroy what?
The resonator!
Pretorious' invention!
It... came.
What came?
Dr. Tillinghast?
Crawford, what did you see?
It ate him.
Bit off his head.
Like a gingerbread man.
Dr. McMichaels.
I'm not mad.
I saw it!
I saw it!
Do you hear me? I saw it!
Why doesn't anyone believe me?
We can't reach him.
He keeps returning
to the same fantasy...
Let's do a CAT scan on him.
Why? You've already seen
everything you need to see.
There's always more to see.
No machines...
- Please...
- It's alright.
You'll be alright.
I promise.
Oh, God, no...