Dr. McMichaels.
I'm not mad.
I saw it!
I saw it!
Do you hear me? I saw it!
Why doesn't anyone believe me?
We can't reach him.
He keeps returning
to the same fantasy...
Let's do a CAT scan on him.
Why? You've already seen
everything you need to see.
There's always more to see.
No machines...
- Please...
- It's alright.
You'll be alright.
I promise.
Oh, God, no...
Oh, my God...
There, do you see that?!
The pineal gland is oversized
and extending through the optic thalami
Think the tumor
is causing his delusions?
I don't think that's a tumor...
I think the pineal gland
is growing...
- That's impossible...
- I know! But the CAT scan bears it out
The pineal stalk
is elongating through the brain.
Wait a minute.
I dont know
the inside of brains.
What does all this mean?
Well it could mean
that the experiment
they were perfoming
actually does stimulate the pineal.
You mean he's not crazy?
I don't know...
He actually believes
that he saw these creatures...
It still doesn't explain
how Pretorious died
or what happened to his head!