Hey, look who's back.
Hey, pea-brain, what's going on?
- Tony, where'd they put you?
- Right here.
- On these guns?
- On this spot.
They're gonna reassign you,
they told me to tell you.
Hunt, I bet I' m getting your old job.
- Foreman, right?
- Bet that's it.
Hear that, you fartheads?
I' m getting off the line here.
- Mr...
- hershiser. Mr hershiser!
- Yo.
- We have a new position for you.
Ah, yeah. That's what I heard.
We are understaffed in the,
ah, custodial department.
We are transferring you there.
Your pay will be the same.
Please continue.
Hey, yo, made-ln-japan.
What am I supposed to do with this?
That should be obvious.
We expect you to sweep.
Hey, come here.
He knocks you down,
so you make him sweep up?
No. Not personal. He has more defects
than any other worker in the factory.
It was kazihiro's decision.
A very good one.
- Oh, yeah? Defects, is that it?
- Wait. Hold on.
You're doing a great job.
We're shit on their shoes.
This is just for a while.
Just hang in there.
I' m going to kazihiro's
for dinner this weekend.