You leave my mother out of this!
It's your boss, mr sakamoto.
No sir, I did not raise production.
It is down another 3½ per cent
this month.
Yes, I' m very sorry, sir.
Hey, look who's back.
Hey, pea-brain, what's going on?
- Tony, where'd they put you?
- Right here.
- On these guns?
- On this spot.
They're gonna reassign you,
they told me to tell you.
Hunt, I bet I' m getting your old job.
- Foreman, right?
- Bet that's it.
Hear that, you fartheads?
I' m getting off the line here.
- Mr...
- hershiser. Mr hershiser!
- Yo.
- We have a new position for you.
Ah, yeah. That's what I heard.