l wasn't too happy with the results
of your ENG or your BSER, either,
which is why l sent you to Tomography,
where you saw that stuff rolling around.
You see this little grey area here?
That grey area's what l had hoped
that we wouldn't run into.
l'd like you to come in Monday morning
for a CAT scan.
- A brain scan?
- Mr Sachs, let's take it one step at a time.
We won't make any decisions until we
have all the information in front of us.
OK, take it easy.
He didn't say you had anything.
Hejust doesn't like the spot
on yourX-ray, that's all.
lt doesn't mean you have anything.
Don'tjump to conclusions.
Nothing's gonna happen to you.
You're in the middle of New York City.
This is your town.
You're surrounded by people
and traffic and restaurants. God...
How can youjust one day vanish?
Keep calm. You're gonna be OK.
Don't panic.
l'm dying! l'm dying!
l know it! There's a spot on my lungs!