Then the fights and the constant
infidelities to prove themselves
and blaming each other. lt's sad.
They loved the idea of having us kids,
but raising us didn't interest them much.
But it's impossible to hold it against
them. They didn't know anything else.
You know, of all of us in the family, you
were the one blessed with the true gift.
My true gift is luck, Mom. l just had
a lot of luck, from my first show.
l thought Lee was the one
destined for great things.
Yes, she's lovely, but she doesn't
have your spark. She knows it.
She worships you.
She wouldn't dare get up there on stage.
- Now, Holly's not shy.
- Holly's game for anything.
- Holly takes after me.
- True.
l'd have been a great dope addict.
Remember this, Hannah?