Mr Sachs, l'm afraid the news is not good.
lf l can show you exactly
where the tumour is,
and why we feel that
surgery would be of no use...
lt's over.
l'm face to face with eternity.
Not later, but now.
l'm so frightened,
l can't move, speak or breathe.
Well, you're just fine.
There's absolutely nothing here at all.
And your tests are all fine.
l must admit, l was concerned,
given your symptoms.
What caused this hearing loss,
we'll never know for sure,
but whatever it was, it's certainly not
anything serious. l'm very relieved.
( livelyjazz)
What do you mean, you're quitting? Why?
The news is good.
You don't have canc... the thing.
Do you realise what a thread
we're all hanging by?
You're off the hook.
You should be celebrating.
Can you understand how
meaningless everything is?
l'm talking about our lives, the show,
the whole world. lt's meaningless.
- Yeah, but you're not dying.
- No, l'm not dying now, but...
When l ran out of the hospital, l was so
thrilled because l was going to be OK.
l'm running down the street,
and suddenly l stop. lt hit me.