just changing channels to find something.
You see the whole culture:
Nazis, deodorant salesmen,
wrestlers, beauty contests,
the talk show...
Can you imagine the level of
a mind that watches wrestling?
But the worst are the fundamentalist
preachers: third-rate con men
telling the poor suckers that watch them
that they speak for Jesus.
And to please send in money.
Money, money, money.
lf Jesus came back and saw
what's going on in his name,
- he'd never stop throwing up.
- Oh, God, would you please lighten up?
l'm really not in the mood to hear
a review of contemporary society again.
- You've been very nervous lately.
- l can't take this any more.
l'm trying to complete an education
l started five years ago.
l'm not your pupil. l was, but l'm not.
When you leave the nest, l want you
to be ready to face the real world.
We're going to have to
make some changes.
- Like what?
- You know what. l'm suffocating.
- Are we having this conversation again?
- Yes, we are having it again.
- l have to leave. l have to move out.
- Why?
- Because l have to.
- What are you going to use for money?
l don't know. l thought maybe l'd
move in with my parents for a while.
l always told you you would leave me.
Does it have to be now?
Maybe it'll only be temporary,
but l have to try.
Oh, Lee. You are my whole world.
Good God. Have you been kissed tonight?
- No.
- Oh, yes, you have.
- You've been with someone!
- Stop accusing me!
l'm too smart, Lee. You can't fool me!
- You're turning all red.
- Leave me alone!
Christ, what's wrong with you?
- l'm sorry.
- Couldn't you say something?
- You have to slither behind my back...
- l'm saying it now!