Hannah and Her Sisters

- Like what?
- You know what. l'm suffocating.

- Are we having this conversation again?
- Yes, we are having it again.

- l have to leave. l have to move out.
- Why?

- Because l have to.
- What are you going to use for money?

l don't know. l thought maybe l'd
move in with my parents for a while.

l always told you you would leave me.
Does it have to be now?

Maybe it'll only be temporary,
but l have to try.

Oh, Lee. You are my whole world.
Good God. Have you been kissed tonight?
- No.
- Oh, yes, you have.

- You've been with someone!
- Stop accusing me!

l'm too smart, Lee. You can't fool me!
- You're turning all red.
- Leave me alone!

Christ, what's wrong with you?
- l'm sorry.
- Couldn't you say something?

- You have to slither behind my back...
- l'm saying it now!

So you met somebody else?
But you knew it was going to happen
sooner or later. l can't live like this!

- Who is it?
- What's the difference? Somebody l met.

- But who? Where did you meet him?
- lt doesn't matter. l have to move out.

You are my only connection to the world.
Oh, God, that's too much
responsibility for me. lt's not fair!

l want a less complicated life.
l want a husband,

- maybe even a child, before it's too late.
- Jesus! Jesus!

Oh, God, l don't even know what l want.
What do you get out of me,
anyway? l mean...

lt's not sexual any more.
lt's certainly not intellectual.
You're so superior to me in every way...

Don't patronise me!
God, l should have married you
years ago, when you wanted to.

- l should have agreed.
- lt never would have worked.
