Well... l think we should
wait till things settle.
What does that mean?
We've been married four years.
How settled can things get?
You have some very set plans on
how your life should be structured.
A house, kids, certain school,
a home in Connecticut...
lt's all very... preconceived.
Yeah, but l... l thought you needed that.
When we met,
you said your life was chaos.
l know, but there's
gotta be some give and take.
Oh, listen. l don't know
what the hell l'm talking about.
- Are you angry with me?
- No!
Do you feel, um...
Are you disenchanted with our marriage?
- l didn't say that.
- Do you love someone else?
My God, what is this? The Gestapo? No!
- What are you not telling me?
- What kind of interrogation...?
Suppose l said ''Yes, l am disenchanted,
l am in love with someone else''?
- Are you?
- No!
But you keep asking awful questions.
lt's like you want me to say yes!
What are you talking about?
Of course not. l'd be destroyed.
For Christ's sake, stop torturing her.
Tell her you want out and get it over with.
You're in love with her sister.
You didn't do it on purpose.
Be honest. lt's always the best way.
Can l help you?
lf you're suffering over something,
will you share it with me?
You know how much l love you.
l ought to have my head examined.
l don't deserve you.
(Holly) l want to look good,
but l don't want to feel overdressed.
- No, not at all.
- Well, how about this?
l really like that.
l think that's a pretty colour on you.
Ever think you'd be helping me
buy something to wear to the opera?
l think it's great. l can't wait to meet him.