What are you talking about?
Of course not. l'd be destroyed.
For Christ's sake, stop torturing her.
Tell her you want out and get it over with.
You're in love with her sister.
You didn't do it on purpose.
Be honest. lt's always the best way.
Can l help you?
lf you're suffering over something,
will you share it with me?
You know how much l love you.
l ought to have my head examined.
l don't deserve you.
(Holly) l want to look good,
but l don't want to feel overdressed.
- No, not at all.
- Well, how about this?
l really like that.
l think that's a pretty colour on you.
Ever think you'd be helping me
buy something to wear to the opera?
l think it's great. l can't wait to meet him.
He's married and his wife's in and out
of institutions. She's schizophrenic.
Sometimes she's terrific,
and then she just breaks down.
He has a sweet daughter. When she goes
to college, he's gonna split permanently.
He's paid his dues, but she helped
him through architectural school.
You found all this out on one date?
l figured he's dying to open up. lt's so sad.
Now, what should l wear to my audition?
l've got a singing audition for a Broadway
musical. Of course, l'll never get it.
- Singing?
- Can you believe it?
- Really?
- Well, l mean, why not, you know?
- What have l got to lose?
- l know, l just... l didn't know you sang.
You think everybody in
musicals sings so well?
No, no.
Just that... they sing.
Well, you know...
- l sing a little. l mean...
- Oh, l know. No, l know.
Don't say that, cos confidence
is not my strong point.