Hannah and Her Sisters

He's married and his wife's in and out
of institutions. She's schizophrenic.

Sometimes she's terrific,
and then she just breaks down.

He has a sweet daughter. When she goes
to college, he's gonna split permanently.

He's paid his dues, but she helped
him through architectural school.

You found all this out on one date?
l figured he's dying to open up. lt's so sad.
Now, what should l wear to my audition?
l've got a singing audition for a Broadway
musical. Of course, l'll never get it.

- Singing?
- Can you believe it?

- Really?
- Well, l mean, why not, you know?

- What have l got to lose?
- l know, l just... l didn't know you sang.

You think everybody in
musicals sings so well?

No, no.
Just that... they sing.
Well, you know...
- l sing a little. l mean...
- Oh, l know. No, l know.

Don't say that, cos confidence
is not my strong point.

No, l'm sorry. l didn't mean that.
l think l can fake my way through a song.
- Uh-huh?
- Easily.

- Why? You don't think it's realistic?
- No, l didn't... That's... No.

l just hate to see you put yourself
in a position where you get hurt.

You know how you take
every single rejection

as a confirmation that you
have no talent or something.

- Yeah, well, maybe l'll get it.
- l hope.

Boy, you really know
how to cut me down.

What? No, don't be so sensitive.
Can't l say anything?

Well, l sing! For Christ's sake,
Hannah, you heard me sing!

OK! What happened?
We were having a really nice time, and
suddenly everything went to bad feeling.

Nobody but you can do that to me.
l don't know why.

Look, everything's going your way.
You're right. l'm happy!
Why must l let my insecurities
spoil everything?
